counsel in philanthropy




2000-year-old donor plaque installed at the Temple of Isis in Pompeii.

2000-year-old donor plaque installed at the Temple of Isis in Pompeii.


In ancient Rome, Isis was revered as the goddess of health, marriage and wisdom. She was celebrated as a friend of slaves, sinners, and the downtrodden. In Pompeii, the Temple of Isis was the most visited shrine in the bustling port city.

Destroyed by an earthquake in 26 CE, the temple was rebuilt through the contribution from a self-made merchant and community leader.

Upon completion of the restoration, city elders erected a plaque to recognize the generous donor, and his then six-year-old son, Celsinus.  Preserved forever by the volcanic eruption that buried Pompeii, it is permanent and tangible proof that philanthropists and their donations have shaped our civic life for thousands of years.

At Celsinus Partners, we continue to be inspired by the enduring impact of philanthropy.